Success Stories

Optimi Amici provides all the necessary tools for creating a strong online presence

Our Sample and Previous Works

Prime Medical Services
At Optimi Amici, we are proud to showcase the outstanding results we achieved for Prime Medical Services through our SEO expertise. Through our meticulous SEO strategies and implementation, we were able to significantly improve their online presence and drive impressive outcomes.

By conducting in-depth keyword research and analysis, we identified strategic keywords that aligned with Prime Medical Services' target audience and industry. Through careful optimization of their website's content, meta tags, and technical elements, we successfully improved their search engine rankings and organic visibility.

As a result of our SEO efforts, Prime Medical Services experienced a remarkable increase in website traffic. Within just six months of implementing our SEO strategies, their organic traffic surged by a staggering 150%. This substantial boost in traffic not only enhanced their online visibility but also generated a significant increase in potential leads and conversions.

Furthermore, our SEO initiatives led to a significant improvement in user engagement metrics for Prime Medical Services. The average time spent on their website increased by 40%, indicating that visitors were finding the content more engaging and relevant. Additionally, the bounce rate decreased by 25%, suggesting that users were staying on the website longer and exploring multiple pages.

We also implemented a comprehensive backlink strategy for Prime Medical Services, focusing on acquiring high-quality, authoritative links from relevant websites in the medical industry. This approach resulted in a 50% increase in their domain authority, further solidifying their online reputation and improving their search engine rankings.

Our collaboration with Prime Medical Services exemplifies our commitment to delivering exceptional SEO results. By driving significant increases in website traffic, improving user engagement, and boosting organic visibility, we help our clients achieve their digital marketing goals and establish a strong online presence.

If you're seeking similar success for your business, Optimi Amici is ready to provide customized SEO solutions tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to explore how we can elevate your brand's visibility, drive targeted traffic, and maximize your online potential.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.
Optimi Amici was tasked with creating campaign materials to support Peak Games. We designed digital ad campaigns that included playable ads.

By utilizing the latest developments in Machine Learning, we employed dynamic ad creative that cycled through various videos, images, and headlines on both Facebook and Google platforms.

The outcome exceeded the client's expectations, with results that were four times greater than their original goal. This accomplishment was a significant triumph for the Optimi Amici team.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.
Describe your image here. Use catchy text to tell people the story behind the photo. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.

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